Well, now I have tinkered a bit to much for my own good. When I try to boot I get these messages:
init: Unable to execute "/bin/sh" for rcS: No such file or directory
init: rcS main process (2397) terminated with status 255
init: Unable to execute "/bin/sh" for rc-default: No such file or directory
init: rc-default main process (2398) terminated with status 255
I need a really noobish explanation on how to fix.
I am using a LiveCD, to try and copy the /bin/sh from the CD to the partition.
I am using mount rw /xxx/xxx /xxx/xxx, but it won't let me write to the partition.
Any solution?
After poking around with Varjagy in the IRC channel we were able to assist him to get this working. The permissions error was due to the LiveCD starting a shell with user permissions and not root. Using sudo su - we got in. Then a straight cd /mnt/crap/bin && ln -s dash sh and we were sorted. Yay!
Yes, I have learned a lot today thanks to znx and Ritter.
Thanks guys.
Quote:Yes, I have learned a lot today thanks to znx and Ritter.
Thanks guys.
How were you able to issue any linux commands from a command line when the computer wouldn't boot up due to the 'unable to execute bin/sh". I am receiving the same error. How can I move around this?
Quote:How were you able to issue any linux commands from a command line when the computer wouldn't boot up due to the 'unable to execute bin/sh". I am receiving the same error. How can I move around this?
By using a LiveCD distribution (for instance I would suggest
Knoppix). Once you get booted from the CD you can then mount your main system's root partition and then issue commands to fix it. If you can get access to IRC then one of us should be online and can help walk you through the process. Indeed you should be able to IRC from the Knoppix LiveCD :)
Quote:After poking around with Varjagy in the IRC channel we were able to assist him to get this working. The permissions error was due to the LiveCD starting a shell with user permissions and not root. Using sudo su - we got in. Then a straight cd /mnt/crap/bin && ln -s dash sh and we were sorted. Yay!
I am having the same message when Linux boots. I'I've read the posts , burned the livecd, and booted from it. I've done the sudo su successfully and am root. However, this post then says: cd
/mnt/crap/bin && ln -s dash sh ] and we were sorted. Yay! ]
I have no idea what that means or what to do here. To mount my computer hard drive, what commands should I issue?