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I am having some serious problems trying to get netbeans to run on Fedora 7. Actaully everything appears to look ok until I start the application. The gui comes up but nothing else. I get a white background and nothing further works. If anyone gets this to work please let me know how you did it. If you tried to load it and it didn'r work tell me what happened.


Thanks Rwo

Quote:I am having some serious problems trying to get netbeans to run on Fedora 7. Actaully everything appears to look ok until I start the application. The gui comes up but nothing else. I get a white background and nothing further works. If anyone gets this to work please let me know how you did it. If you tried to load it and it didn'r work tell me what happened.


Thanks Rwo


"followup" I should have added this a long time ago but forgot. Beryl/compiz both goof up netbeans. People at SUN know about and it's been posted in a list of things to fix for a long time. Maybe one day they will get around to it.