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I am planning to purchase a license for win4lin sometime soon.

do the windows applications work better on win4lin compared to that of wine?

Mainly for dreamweaver cs3 and a few other applications.


I have another question regarding this.


I usually work with dreamweaver, mysql and coldfusion on windows. Dreamweaver has inbuilt coldfusion server behaviors. So if on working with dreamweaver, do i need to install windows version for coldfusion and mysql server again using win4lin or will it work by installing coldfusion and mysql on the linux system?

Wine is an attempt to run Windows applications natively under Linux. Where as win4lin (I think vmware is better but) is a virtual Windows system. So win4lin will have you running Windows just like Windows should run, whereas Wine wouldn't. Therefore win4lin would be the more successful.
Applications like Dreamweaver will definitely run better in VMware (or VirtualBox, if you prefer) than an emulator like Wine. I have no experience with Win4Lin, but although it is also a virtual environment, I cannot recall hearing of anyone in industry that uses Win4Lin--and many industries are using and investing heavily in VM technology. There is one caveat with VMware and the like: if you need 3D graphics, you will not get them in a virtual machine--at least not at a reasonable price. For things like 3D games, there is still no adequate, top performance replacement for Windows so dual-boot would be the way to go for gaming. (You did not mention it, but I have spent a lot of time with virtual machines and sooner or later the topic always comes up.) ;)

I have ran linux pxlinuxos for 6 months on my home pc, the only reason why I have not gone to Linux at work is beacuse of my aaaaccount system. the win4lin system seems to be just exactly as i REQUIRE FOR WORK TO RUN MYOB. Now I have bought and tried win4lin at home I am definatly moving to linux at work. I have found that when running W4L that you need commands to run different size screens etc. I have found that all you need to do is adjust your xp screen resolution and it will stay that way when you next boot xp through W4L. to help make the system faster I have looked up on how to make xp faster on the net and implemented all the suggestions. I alos turned off all the eye candy on xp.

after all the only reason why people would want to run xp on linux is if they have some programs that they need and they cannot use on linux.




Quote:I am planning to purchase a license for win4lin sometime the windows applications work better on win4lin compared to that of wine?

Mainly for dreamweaver cs3 and a few other applications.


I have another question regarding this.


I usually work with dreamweaver, mysql and coldfusion on windows. Dreamweaver has inbuilt coldfusion server behaviors. So if on working with dreamweaver, do i need to install windows version for coldfusion and mysql server again using win4lin or will it work by installing coldfusion and mysql on the linux system?